Here are the kinds of results my clients have reported creating for themselves from their work with me. You can expect…
To have a clear direction and an inspiring vision for both your life and work.
You will get clear about what you want and how you are going to go about getting it.
You will design, build and live a life you love that is trued up to your values and sense of purpose or mission; living your life by design, rather than by default.
You will take action and move in the direction of your goals and dreams (and make specific measurable progress) in ways you simply wouldn’t on your own.
A renewed passion for your life and work.
By getting back on track and on purpose, you will feel a new found sense of hope, inspiration and enthusiasm.
You will feel less anxiety or uncertainty.
You will have fun while learning, taking action and producing results, recognizing and appreciating your progress and accomplishments along the way.
Better balance and quality of life.
You will be doing more of the things you want to be doing and less of the things you don’t.
Creating more time for yourself and other interests including taking a lot more vacation.
You will improve your ability to prioritize and act accordingly.
You will take control of your life and work and experience less stress, work shorter hours, and simultaneously see productivity and revenues increase.
Better relationship with yourself and others.
You will acquire better self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
You will be less judgmental of yourself and others.
You will learn better communication skills and become a better listener.
You will become more even-tempered and patient and overall enjoy better relationships with your family and employees.
Living and working more effectively and productively.
Improved time and project management resulting in greater profitability and getting more done in less time.
Being more organized and working smarter not harder. Thinking and acting more strategically.
Spending time on high-leverage activities such as strategic planning and coaching your team.
Getting where you want to go faster, easier and with more fun!
A breakthrough in the leadership of your company.
Develop your leadership and team-building skills so that you can delegate more effectively and develop other leaders within the company to step up and take on more responsibility and accountability.
You will experience improved ability to give and receive feedback, plan and run meetings and coach your staff to higher performance.
By improving your communication and leadership skills, you can expect to see desirable and sustainable changes in your teams’ performance and productivity.
Team members will participate more actively, conflict will be reduced significantly and results will come with a lot less struggle and effort.
A breakthrough in volume, profitability and ultimately net income.
All of the above (clearer direction, increased passion, better balance and quality of life, improved relationships, greater efficiency, and better leadership) all add up to a significant impact to your balance sheet and your P & L statement.
I am interested in coaching star players to produce outstanding performance. My clients average a 5 fold return on their investment of money in the coaching process.
When you grow as a person and as a leader, measurable and meaningful results invariably follow.
A deeper sense of purpose, meaning and significance in your life.
When you live a values and mission driven life, you will find every step of the journey can be fulfilling. You no longer have to wait until someday-one day in order to feel happy and satisfied now.
When you play a bigger game you make a bigger difference. Your life becomes about the contribution you can make and not just about acquiring more status or stuff.
You stabilize your material success and embrace a life of spiritual significance, one that inspires you and others around you.
Now that you have a better idea of what kinds of specific results you will get, you might be curious about who I best work with. Check out if this is you: Who I Work With >>>
Or, you can contact me directly at 310-372-7711, or to set up a time to talk.